1. I can only submit DMCA takedown requests for the intellectual property (IP) to which you hold the copyright and/or trademark.
2. You must give me legal authorization to submit takedown requests on your behalf by filling out an Agent Authorization Form. You must also sign a contract delegating legal authority to me and establishing the terms of our agreement.
3. The start up cost for any new customer is $250. This covers initial evaluation of your case, processing all documentation, and initiating the removal requests. After that our time is billed at the hourly rate of $40/hour. More details can be found on the rates page.
4. Payment is taken by cash, check, or bank transfer. PayPal will be accepted in exclusive circumstances and will include a 15% additional PayPal fee.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you remove infringements of my copyrighted/trademarked intellectual property (IP) from sites which are reproducing, selling, or giving it away illegally?
Sometimes. It depends. If the website is hosted in a country other than the United States the hosting company can chose to ignore the DMCA request. Some off shore hosting companies will honour a DMCA request. Others will not.
If the violation is happening on a corporate owned site that is very different from a violation taking place on a privately owned website hosted on a server in Singapore.
Can you remove infringements of my IP from the internet before I pay you in order to prove to me you can remove infringements from the internet?
Can you guarantee the removal of infringements from the internet?
No. Our services are based on best effort. You are paying for our time, effort, and experience. Pirate Book Takedown can make zero promises nor is it ever possible for us (or anyone) to remove your material from the entirety of the internet. Anyone who tells you they can is lying.
Someone wrote something mean about me on the internet. Can you get that removed.
Someone put a photo of me on the internet. Can you get that removed?
If you own the copyright, yes. Otherwise no.
Allow me to clear up a misconception. You being in a photograph does not mean you own the copyright. The copyright is owned by the person who took the photograph unless the photo was taken as “work for hire” and ownership of the photograph was legally transferred.
Someone is taking photos and videos from my OnlyFans, Instagram, YouTube, etc and reposting them without my permission. Can you get those removed?
In some cases, yes.
What sort of results has Pirate Book Takedown gotten so far?
Click here to see our results page for details on our latest self audit.
What prevents a site from removing my material then reposting it a week later?
Nothing. Part of what I will do is monitor sites where your IP has been removed. If/when they repost your IP I will send another takedown notice. Repeat offenders can be a good thing because repeat offenders can eventually have their entire site removed by the hosting company.
Can you get a site removed from the internet?
Sometimes. It depends. If a website has been reported to the hosting company multiple times for DMCA violations the hosting company may choose to disable the account.
How long does the process take?
“The process” never ends since your IP can continue to be pirated forever. The process of getting your IP removed from a specific site (or determining that it isn’t going to get removed) typically takes 3 to 10 days. There are multiple avenues of approach to doing this, some of which take longer than others.
What factors would prevent you from being able to get my IP removed from a site?
The biggest factor is off shore hosting. Web hosting companies in other countries are not legally bound to honour a DMCA takedown request at all. The DMCA is law in the United States only. Some, even many, hosting companies in other countries will honour a DMCA request – but they do so at their discretion.
Can I hire you to serve takedown notices for someone else’s IP?
No. I can only legally act on behalf of a copyright/trademark owner from whom I have direct agent authorization.
I run a pirate site where I sell other people’s IP illegally. Other pirate sites are cutting into my profit. Can you take those sites down for me?
No. But that was a nice try.
Are you a lawyer? Can you initiate legal action on my behalf?
No and no.
Can you get a lawyer and initiate legal action on my behalf?
Yes. I have a copyright and trademark lawyer I can work with. Be prepared to put down a $15,000 retainer for his services. He bills at $295 an hour.