Services Provided By Pirate Book Takedown
1. Generating a report of links of unauthorized access to your book or other copyrighted material on the internet.
I will search for your material using a variety of search terms and phrases, using Google and alternative search engines. A deep search for one book or other intellectual property typically takes 2 to 4 hours.
I will compile a report of the links claiming to harbor your material. In cases where multiple links have to be followed I will include all the links in that path. I use the word “claiming” for a reason.
There are a multitude of links on the internet professing to offer a downloadable free copy of The Latest Amazing Book written by The Best Author Ever. Following the link reveals there is no free book to be found. The link actually takes you down a rabbit hole of pop up windows which deliver you to porn, gambling, phising attempts, computer viruses, or some combination of the aforementioned.
The initial report I generate will have a list of links that may or may not lead to your book. I can’t always follow the links to an endpoint as doing so would require creating an account and/or entering payment information.
When possible without endangering the security of my computer I will verify that your book can be accessed via the link. Verification will be noted in the report.
2. Contacting the websites listed in the report and sending a DMCA takedown request.
I will send a very polite email asking the administrator to confirm your material is on the server and remove it. Once resolved (or not resolved) I will inform you of the outcome.
If you want me to send out DMCA takedown notices you must formally authorize me to do this. The formal authorization is as simple as filling out this form, signing it, and sending it to me.
Copyright Owner / Authorized Agent Documentation
3. Monitoring sites to make sure they don’t repost your content after it’s been taken down.
Let’s say you find a copy of your ebook on You send them a DMCA takedown request. They take your book off the site. You go to the site. It’s not there any more. All is good. Right? Wrong.
What they often do is simply unpublish the page that has your ebook on it. Then 5 days later they republish the page. I will keep a list of sites and URLs from which your content has been “removed” and check on a regular basis to make sure your content is still removed.
When it reappears – and it will – I will start the takedown process to get it removed again.
4. Getting links selling your intellectual property removed from Google search engine results.
In cases where I can’t get your intellectual property removed I can at least reduce the number of people who find the site selling it. In cases where direct links to the infringement of your IP are returned in Google search results I can most often get those results removed.
Jump over to the rates page for details on payment.
Contact Me.
If you are interested in my services send me a message via the contact page.